

Behavior Systems and Supports:

Mission Statement:

The mission of Lillian L. Rashkis High School is to create rigorous specially designed instruction supported by flexible scheduling with full school community support. We incorporate multi-tiered systems of support catered to the need of the individual. We empower our students by providing access to the CCLS and CDOS, enriched by real world experiences and opportunities, ensuring college and career readiness.


PBIS is an acronym for Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports. The program is implemented school-wide throughout all our sites and is closely tied into our S.C.O.R.E. acronym. (And the matrix that is used for it.) The matrix outlines the positive behaviors we expect students to exhibit throughout the school community. Your child’s class will follow one of three S.C.O.R.E. matrix charts.

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Social Emotional Learning:

Social emotional learning (SEL) is an important component of our PBIS program at 371K. By incorporating SEL into our curriculum and through direct behavioral instruction, we aim to teach students to recognize, understand, label, express, and regulate their emotions. In an effort to include all stakeholders in our SEL framework and share the information and strategies with our entire school community, we invite families and educators to join us for scheduled wellness meetings throughout the year.

Parents are critical part of student achievement. With your support and encouragement, we will be able to increase the number of students demonstrating positive behavior and academic achievement as well as reduce discipline referrals.



School Calendar

School Food


Testing Dates