School Policies & Procedures


School Policies & Procedures

Visitors Entering the Building

Lillian Rashkis is a scanning school. All visitors and students are scanned when entering the building. All visitors must then check-in with the School Safety Officer. You must have picture identification to enter the building. Presently, visitors are greeted at Main entrance door and will not be permitted to enter building.


Parents should keep open the communication between home and school, informing school of any changes at home that may have an effect upon your child’s performance in school. Please make sure that we have your most updated phone number and email address so that we can ensure that you’re receiving all school communications.

Early Pick-Up

If you need to pick up your child early, please notify your classroom teacher in writing or call the Main Office ahead of time. The person picking up the child must be listed on the Blue Emergency Card. If possible, please make every effort to schedule all medical and dental appointments for after school hours. If it is necessary for students to leave early during school hours, a note must be sent in and signed by a parent/guardian. Student will be released to parent/guardian at Main entrance.


District 75 Citywide Programs adheres to the Citywide Behavioral Expectations to Support Student Learning. The document can be found here in multiple languages.

PPT Team

The Pupil Personnel Team was created to address the needs of students who may be struggling academically or are exhibiting behavioral concerns. In depth conferences are held to determine appropriate interventions.

School to Parent

Our school will communicate information of interest and importance to the student, parents/guardians in multiple ways: email, Remind, phone messages, mail and letters sent home with students.

School Meals

We are happy to report that once again, there are no forms to be completed for your child to receive school meals.

Emergency Blue Cards

Emergency Blue Cards are sent home with students during the first week of school. Parents must keep the school informed of any changes in the original information that was entered on the card. When a child becomes ill or injured, it is very important that the school have the current address and phone numbers to contact that parent or guardian.

Make sure all the information on your child’s Emergency Blue Card is correct at least 3 times; at the beginning of the school year, after winter recess and then again after Memorial Day - including cell phone numbers, email address and contact information for family/friends allowed to pick up your child from school. NYCSA will show current student profile information.
You can update your Emergency Blue Card, save the attachment, and then forward it to our Pupil Accounting Secretary, Lisa Gambardella

New York City Schools Account (NYCSA)

NYC Schools Account gives parents access to attendance, bussing, transportation, grades, student profile, and assessments. Contact Cindy Margul, Parent Coordinator to get your temporary password to log on to your child’s account. NYCSA

Inclement Weather/Storm Day Procedures

In the event of emergency conditions such as weather emergencies or school wide emergencies please tune in to local radio or television stations such as, WINS (1010 AM), NY1 (Cable TV) and Fox 5, to gain information about school closings. Most local television stations have information beginning at 6:30 AM. Alternatively, you can check the Department of Education website NYC Schools 
In the event school buildings are closed, teachers will conduct lessons with students remotely.


It is extremely important that your child attend school.  If possible, please schedule appointments after school hours or during school holidays. If you child is ill, please let the teacher/school know.  If a student becomes ill at school, you, or in your absence, the person designated on the emergency blue card will be contacted.
If your child will be out for three (3) days or more, please inform both the school and the bus driver.  This will ensure that there is no disruption of bus service.  Teachers will call parent/guardiana every day student has an unexplained absence.

Please view the attached School Calendar for the 2023-2024 school year.

Student Sign-Out Procedures

Students must have written permission to leave early for any reason.

What NOT to bring to school

A serious academic environment is one without distractions; the following items not only contribute to disruptions in learning and social relationships but also may be lost or damaged. The following items should NOT be brought to school:

  • Electronic games, iPod, or devices
  • Cigarettes/Lighters/Vapes
  • Laser pointers
  • Firecrackers, poppers, weapons, illegal items etc.

Any student found with weapons, illegal items and explosive materials are subject to disciplinary action.

Please do not allow your child to bring any articles of value to school. We are not responsible for items that are stolen, lost, misplaced or broken.

*Note: Cellular phones will be turned in at scanning upon entry and will be securely stored and returned at the end of the student’s school day. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Medication and Immunizations

During school hours, students may have their medication given to them by the school nurse. However, their *Medication Administration Record, must be filled out and signed by the doctor and parent. All medication must be in appropriate containers and properly labeled by the pharmacy or physician and the dosage schedule. health-services nursing form

*Medication Administration Record (504) must be revised by physician if the prescription /dose changes. In addition, be sure that you renew your child’s prescription before it runs out. Immunization Requirements The New York State Department of Education and the Board of Health requires that documentation be secured proving that all children who come to school are fully immunized. We are required to exclude children that are not immunized and do not have documentation from a physician indicating the reason. immunizations



If your child becomes sick in school… The school will contact you immediately. It is your responsibility to come to school and pick up your child. If you are unavailable, the person listed on the emergency blue card will be contacted.

2 immunizations

If you have more questions about medicine/your child’s health during school hours contact the school nurse.

@ 371 Main Site: Samantha Simon can be reached at

718-369-5653 / 718-788-7608

@ Sunset Park H.S.: Marlene Robinson can be reached at


@ Telecommunications: Ms. Aguilar can be reached at

718-759-3416 ext. 3418


School Calendar

School Food


Testing Dates