Our Sites & Student Population
Our Sites

Sunset Park High School
153–35 Street
Brooklyn, NY 11232
Phone: (718) 965-7650
Jessica Bell, Assistant Principal

H.S. of Telecommunications and Arts
350 67th Street
Brooklyn, New York 11209
Phone: (718) 748-4821
Devika Vigilance, Guidance Counselor

Brooklyn Academy High School
Inclusion TASC Program
832 Marcy Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11216
Ms. Clother, Inclusion Teacher

Fort Hamilton Army Base
Mr. Rodriguez
Unit Coordinator
Project Search Site:
Brooklyn Hospital
Lyneley Myrthil
Student Population
Special Class Staffing Ratio 12:1:1
• One full-time special education teacher
• One full-time paraprofessional
Special Class Staffing 8:1:1
• One full-time special education teacher
• One full-time paraprofessional
Special Class Staffing 6:1:1
• One full-time special education teacher
• One full-time paraprofessional
Special Class Staffing 9:1:3
• One full-time special education teacher
• Three full-time paraprofessional
Lillian L. Rashkis High School P 371K
Educational programs are provided in the different sites for children and adolescents according to the special education continuum. Students are referred to a specific class ratio by the Committee on Special Education.
Provision of Services
Schools will provide special education programs/services according to each student’s IEP to the extent feasible through the NYCDOE’s blended learning models(Open external link). For students whose families have opted for remote learning only, we will provide special education programs and related services remotely. More customized hybrid options may also be implemented based on a student’s individual needs and circumstances. To ensure the health and safety of students with disabilities and those providing special education services, we have released detailed protocols(Open external link) for the safe delivery of in-person services and assessments.